(585) 957-0459 |   info@mediamovement.net



This fundraiser is designated to bridge the gaps between the African continent and the African Diaspora by producing a documentary to capture the voices and stories within South Africa and the United States. People of African ancestry in America subconsciously behave in specific ways because we are genetically wired to do so, and one pertinent example are the music genres created post-Maafa. In addition, our healing traditions saturate the art we produce globally, but unfortunately, we severely lack in profiting and benefiting from the trends we set.

As a Marriage Family Therapist trainee, I designed a Master’s Project to address the disparities in culturally competent treatment for people of African ancestry. I wanted to specifically develop a modality that will be used universally and have an exclusive approach to heal Black families that suffered from historical and racialized trauma in America. The healing traditions recently rediscovered in America were traditions African ancestors practiced for thousands of years. Most African diasporarians concentrate on West Africa because this area is the space where most were kidnapped from over 400 years ago. However, we can also find these traditions’ origins in the southern region of Africa, which is the concentration of my documentary.

This project requires a lot of money and resources, and as an independent filmmaker, I have an expansive vision with a severely limited budget. Simply put, I can’t do this alone, and I need help. Therefore, would you please consider contributing to the costs of producing this film. Funds will be used for travel, supplies, and several production costs such as additional equipment, editing software, and marketing materials. I hope the community sees the importance of this project and supports the legacy of the vision. Thank you kindly for whatever you can provide.

Best regards,
Amen Ptah

Cashapp: https://cash.app/amenimhotepptah
Go Fund Me: https://gofund.me/02f34e96

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Amenptah
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amenptah/




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